On Edinburgh, Scotland

Population: 448,624
Famous Landmarks:
Lakes, Mountains and Castles. St. Mary’s Cathedral, Urquhart Castle, Edinburgh Castle, The Mound, Scott Monument, Old Town, New Town, Lake District


Edinburgh City Guide
Visit Edinburgh, Scotland
Take me to Edinburgh

A postcard from my Dad in one of his adventures while in the UK! He loves history and was he impressed by the majestic sights he saw in beautiful Scotland!

Scotland is a country by itself and is part of the United Kingdom which is a union of four constituent countries namely: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.  According to Wikipedia, Edinburgh is considered the seventh largest city in the United Kingdom and it is Scotland’s Capital city.





Created by dmeemai » Posted on May 16, 2008 » Filed in Family, Featured Countries, Scotland, United Kingdom » Link

4 Responses to “On Edinburgh, Scotland”

  1. Linn Says:
    June 19th, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    Hello! love all your postcards – wish I had a scanner so that I could scan in all my postcrossing cards! there’s quite a few of them now!

    Well, just thought I’d better let you know before you get any angry scots on your hands – Scotland is not a city in the United Kingdom, it is a country of it’s own – a very proud nation, so to call it a city would be a great offence to Scots! 😉 Scotland has it’s own parliament, different laws and educational system, and their own national team in sports, apart from the Olympics, when it competes as the United Kingdom. I guess calling Scotland a city in the United Kingdom could be the same as calling Canada a state in the US, if that makes any sense? It’s very very complex anyhow! But anyways, I shant bore you with the details, just thought I’d let you know.
    and keep on posting postcards, I’ll be back to check out more!

    Take Care!

    (oh, and if you fancy swapping postcards with me – I could send you one from Aberdeen, the third largest city in Scotland 😉 just send me an email!)

  2. thepostcardcollector Says:
    June 21st, 2008 at 5:34 am

    Hello Linn, I truly understand where you’re coming from and made some changes. I didn’t mean to offend you or your country. I guess I should have elaborated more on it. I just realized my statement was rather confusing too because as I re-read it, I actually meant Edinburgh as the 7th largest city NOT Scotland. It was a typo to begin with! 😉

    To further explain my side: I know Scotland is a country by itself but it is also after all included in the union of the United Kingdom comprising 4 countries, so much so that when you refer to the United Kingdom as a whole it would most likely refer to the 4 countries combined! Like when I say England, it is not THE only United Kingdom but part of it. Can’t say united when there’s only one country it’s referring to- right?

    So what said, I actually meant among all the 4 countries combined: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland- Edinburgh (NOT Scotland) is considered the 7th largest city.

    As for Canada, you’re right. But I wouldn’t be surprised when others would still think it is part of the United States just because Canada and United States are part of North America as a continent…

    Yes, geography can be complex! and I come from this tiny, practically unknown country in Asia called The Philippines and I personally hate it when people ask me if I’m from Vietnam or Malaysia or Thailand or China!

    I am Asian, I look Asian- so I must come from any of those countries! It’s sad that some people would only know 4 countries in Asia when there are in fact 11 countries in Southeast Asia alone (where the Philippines is part of) and over 50 countries in Asia as a whole. Nobody gets it right!

    But I do thank you greatly for pointing it out to me. At least I know somebody is actually reading my posts. I’m not alone! Yey!

    I’d love to get a postcard from you!! Please… My address is listed here on one of the pages. I will send one back too!

    Sorry for the long response, I could be a blabbermouth at times! Thanks for writing! Take care back.
    -Mae 😉

    (one more thing: you don’t need a scanner to begin, you can take a close up picture of them with your digital camera- without using a flash to prevent glaring- then just upload them as a photo! hope that helps to get you started posting!) I’ll shut up now… LOL

  3. Linn Says:
    June 25th, 2008 at 11:43 am

    aah, I see! Well, if it’s a typo from the start anyway then there really isnt anything to point out anyway 🙂

    It’s still confusing for a lot of people back home when I explain that I have moved to Scotland and not England (I lived in Norway before that) I didnt know myself much about the very important nationalistic divide until I moved over here 🙂

    I’ll send you a postcard this week – will send you my address in an email as well!

    Take Care!


  4. thepostcardcollector Says:
    June 25th, 2008 at 10:38 pm

    I find it is still good to exchange ideas with others and because of your note, I’m able to revise the post with a clearer picture! So thanks… 🙂

    I’ll wait for that postcard and will send you one as well! Have a great one!



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